Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – True Worshiper continues the overview of the Mercy redemptive gift.
The previous post, Worship in the DNA, provided a brief snapshot of an essential facet of Mercy’s design: to worship and celebrate God in all aspects of life. The Mercy portion, endowed with an immense birthright and fashioned to carry God’s holy authority, stands at the proverbial ‘crossroads’ where Lady Wisdom lifts up her voice (Proverbs 8).
Like the other six gifts, Mercy’s release into being who God designed them to be is purposed for expression within one’s lifetime. Because these are Wisdom principles by which we exercise and develop who we truly are (as God designed our spiritual being) we may embrace them for redemptive living, not futility. Will we be ‘fully fulfilled’ in this lifetime? We see in part; we express in part. In pursuit of God’s heart is life.
Wisdom’s Principle of Fulfillment is clearly illustrated in her call to Mercy to dare to be wise. Wisdom in her wisdom knows the pull at the crossroads of fulfillment and futility. At this critical station, Mercy makes a hundred thousand little choices – and a few major ones – in becoming a true worshiper.
Mercy’s True Worship
When Jesus, passing through Samaria, was weary in the journey and sat down at Jacob’s well to rest, His conversation with the Samaritan woman underscored the essence of a true worshiper –
22 You [Samaritans] do not know what you are worshiping [you worship what you do not comprehend]. We do know what we are worshiping [we worship what we have knowledge of and understand], for [after all] salvation comes from [among] the Jews. (Jesus speaking of Himself) 23 A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. 24 God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).
25 The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming, He Who is called the Christ (the Anointed One); and when He arrives, He will tell us everything we need to know and make it clear to us.
26 Jesus said to her, I Who now speak with you am He. (John 4:22-26 Amp. Classic; italics added)
The true Jesus was present with her, sharing His identity even His disciples did not yet fully know.
the Worshiper the Father seeks
Mercy portion of the human spirit does not hold a responsible position; it holds a heart that responds.
Jesus described the type of worshiper the Father seeks. One who in the face of Love must (necessary binding) worship (adore) Him in spirit and truth (Amplified reality; Strong’s Greek 225/227 not concealing, true, verity*).
Once Jesus broke through the Samaritan’s aversion and avoidance with the truth – her reality – spoken in love, His Spirit caused her spirit to know the truth of Who He was. In the discourse at the well, she was present to Jesus – “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” She believed and the Spirit of Truth set her on freedom’s path.
Truth and Wisdom in our spiritual being
“Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being,
And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.”
Though uttered in David’s prayerful cry in Psalm 51, the Samaritan woman experienced its reality firsthand in the Person of Jesus the Messiah. We do too, whenever our points of resistance are surrendered to the Father’s desire for truth to be restored at the core of our being. The Person of the Holy Spirit is to us who Jesus the Messiah revealed Himself to be to the Samaritan woman. We do not journey alone. Christ’s Holy Spirit and Wisdom are in spiritual cahoots to reveal, reconcile, restore, and renew us at the foundation of who we are.
As our Mercy receives the Father’s mercy through the Spirit of Truth, we see more clearly. He seeks those who will meet Him spirit to life-giving Spirit, for the reality of His Presence surpasses places.
Religion maintains, as the Samaritan woman tried to do, that the place of worship is all-important. Jesus said not so, for misdirected worship of the created would never hold authority over the Creator. Death could not hold Him. Neither can man-made walls. Mercy, when set free, gives building a whole new expression.
For the Mercy gift to grow in the authority it was fashioned to carry, it must become a consistent and true worshiper that remains close to the heart of God. The Mercy is transformed in reality at the Mercy Seat.
Untainted Joy ~ the Lord’s Strength
In each redemptive precept and wisdom principle internalized in His Presence, God’s mercy prevails, and true worshiper Mercy grows in knowing the heart of God. Such intimacy leads to worship and celebration of Him.
When free-flowing Mercy can hold it in no longer, their worship and celebration must be released throughout the community of the human spirit and the external community with which they relate and among whom they move about.
Mercy made holy, with Wisdom’s delight releases the untainted Joy of the Lord, our Source of strength!1
With yet more to come,
~ Nancy
*verity – truth, fact, reality, sincerity, principle 1 Nehemiah 8:10
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