Hi there! How does one sum up in a few short paragraphs who they are?
For starters, no matter how many roles I fill in my life – wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, friend, writer, coach, counselor, maid, laundress, cook, crispy bacon lover, coffee drinker, and drooler over all shades of purple, plum and periwinkle …
…the most important truth by which I am known and named is that I am a believer in, disciple of, and beloved of Jesus Christ. Because He lives, so do I.
I was born and raised in Washington State (U.S.) in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Married in 1976, my husband Wayne and I settled in Spokane, Washington where we raised our now-adult, married children. We are blessed to be grandparents to four grandchildren.
Together, my husband and I founded in 2004, and continue to steward today, Shammahs Field LLC and Shammah Ministries, a biblical counseling, coaching, and spiritual growth ministry entrusted to us by God. It is through the story He has woven and written in our own lives that we are called, persistently being equipped, and privileged to engage and walk with others in the midst of their story.
Certifications earned through International Christian Coaching Association (ICCA, a division of AACC; 2010) and Faith Evangelical Seminary, Tacoma WA (2011) include: Personal Life Coaching, Health & Wellness, Leadership Coaching, and Coaching for Spiritual Development