To those for whom the term ‘redemptive gift’ is new or different, I realize it may lead one to think it is just another version of a personality profile. Beyond surface similarities, it is much more; it is the essence of our design, a pattern repeated throughout scripture and nature, replicated in all God has set in motion.
Romans 1:19 tells us that what may be known of God has been made plain. We need only look around to see God’s goodness in minute detail and vast expanse. Science is constantly unveiling God’s divine nature. That which He has woven together through laws of nature and His principles of Wisdom is boundless, from beginning to fulfillment. Though some live to suppress the truth, they cannot achieve its holding down no matter how hard they try. He meets entropy with life. The wise joy in His goodness.1
Verse 20 goes on to say: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men (all humanity) are without excuse.
After completing His work of creating, with Wisdom close beside, God looked around and with great contentment saw that all His gifts he had poured out in creation were very good (Gen 1:31). I can imagine He fully embodied a “happy camper”. Wisdom was elated, full of delight and celebration! (Prov. 8:30-31)
What all this is really about
The study of the redemptive gifts is not so much about you or me as it is “a study about God, what He is like, and how you and I and cities, states, nations, businesses, and all of creation reflect His nature”.2
arthur burk
The deeper and higher I go in my pursuit of knowing God, the more I’m aware of His inexhaustibleness. Furthermore, no personality profile can do justice to us, His crowning achievement, imprinted with Him.
So, I’ve chosen to use the term ‘redemptive’ gifts as first heard in Arthur Burk’s teaching, particularly in light of my prior work from a solely faith-based coach approach. Even then I shied away from the normal tools.
There exists in business and psychology an extensive amount of personality tests, profiles, and quizzes. To thus categorize the concept and tools for identifying your redemptive gifts is to miss the heart and substance of their existence; the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of God’s chosen placement of them in your spirit, not your soul.
Personality profiles and tests have their merit and place. Yet, I believe the life-giving nature of God He has woven throughout your design, if and as it is embraced, brings discovery leading toward legitimate fulfillment.
In my life and work with others, I have held that as long as we draw breath, we can choose to grow. That is the heart of our Father God. His love beckons each of us near to Him. As we respond, He sets us on a path meant for our growth and development as we learn to live from His design of us as He intended.
Friend, God does not prevent you from discovering who He made you to be. He welcomes you finding yourself in Him, and has purposed and provided ahead for you by placing in you His seven gifts of grace.
~ Nancy
1 This site is dedicated to helping raise up the truly wise – I Corinthians 3:18
2 Arthur has taught extensively on arenas beyond the redemptive gifts of individuals, which is my focus
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