Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – Describing the Gift engages in the overview, a process relatable to the following statement – When you want to know how things work, study them when they’re coming apart. There is so much wrapped up in the Teacher portion, that its very nature is the credibility of God’s creative knowledge: we are designed to be lifelong learners. Viewed from that perspective, the Principle of Responsibility fuels the outworking of that which we have learned. ... continue reading...
Redemptive Living Blog
Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – Introducing the Gift
Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – Introducing the Gift provides background for the third of the seven pillars hewn out by Wisdom as she set about to build her house.1 As with any of the overviews, I encourage you to read through Lady Wisdom – The Voice of Understanding, this time with the redemptive gift of Teacher in mind. It is stunning – in a lifegiving way – how much Wisdom epitomizes the Teacher grace gift. She is Teacher. Her ways lead to life and health. The foundation of ... continue reading...
Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – the Teacher & the Healer
Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – the Teacher & the Healer is the first in the series of the Teacher redemptive gift overview. For those strong Teacher portions like myself who prefer things to be done in sequence, we are back on track! A key to remember is that one decides to be teachable. I am not an advocate for back on track being equivalent to stuck in a rut. Each redemptive gift overview I write is an expressive exercise of grace gift proportions. Though I consider ... continue reading...
Luy Thua V – God’s Exponential Grace
Luy Thua V – God’s Exponential Grace has a story behind it that I could not have come up with if I tried. Holy Spirit is Teacher, as much as He is Comforter and Truth and so much more. I credit Him. I noted the experience and sensed it was for the Teacher overview. Right on cue, I am in the classroom with Holy Spirit as unique to the Teacher grace gift. He is the Master Weaver of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in real time. The lessons are plentiful in ways of God's exponential ... continue reading...
Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – Areas of Weakness
Welcome to Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – Areas of Weakness. In the previous Describing the Gift articles – Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – Describing the Gift and Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – Describing the Gift – Part 2 – the overview largely focused on the redemptive function of Mercy’s birthright as God designed it to be. In learning about the redemptive gifts, it is vital to recognize each gift has a purpose and a perversion. That is why I ... continue reading...