Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – Worship in the DNA moves us into the Mercy redemptive gift overview.
In Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – God’s Design & Satan’s Goal, it was noted that this gift is wonderful and mysterious. Wonderful, because Mercy stands as the unique pillar of Wisdom it is, just as the preceding six gifts do. Mysterious, because I find that Mercy, as it is healed and matured, can be released to minister to the other six gifts in the community of the human spirit. Mercy loves wholeness, which sincere worship and celebration of God helps bring.
Why is that mysterious? Because it points to the truth of Colossians 1:15-29. The mystery of ‘Christ in you, the hope of (realizing His) glory’. Divine nuggets are being unveiled that point to Jesus, who fully embodied all seven of the grace gifts. His Spirit dwells within those who abide in believing faith, to bring healing, wholeness, and fulfillment modeled after His likeness.
Mercy, ‘the crown jewel of the gifts’, as Arthur Burk coined, has a vital facet woven into its essence. Worship and celebration of God is in Mercy’s DNA. When engaged in this essential expression, Mercy is emptied and filled in ever-increasing measure of awe of God. Like a spillway, it must be released. The community of the human spirit and the community at large benefit when the Mercy is released to walk in its authority and live from its being fulfilled birthright. Christ is the Mercy’s best friend.
The Seventh of Seven Pillars
Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment is the seventh of the seven pillars hewn out by Wisdom as she set about to build her house.1 Carved out one by one, the collective yet uniquely different pillars would comprise the canopy under which the pattern of seven would unfold throughout all that God created.
The Mercy category on this site contains other Fulfillment posts written prior to the overview, as well as two bonus posts about Christ’s mercy seat, a divine weapon for our use in effective spiritual warfare.
Before describing the gift more fully in keeping with characteristics on the Redemptive Gift of Mercy Checklist, the birthright and authority that belong to this grace gift points to the essence of fulfillment.
Mercy’s Birthright*
“To release the holiness of God into their environment.
To come into the presence of God and worship God in all of life.”
The Principle of Fulfillment – using all your abilities to do what God designed you to do – springs from Mercy seeking and finding that God alone is Source and sustainer of all, through Christ, to end in God.
Fulfillment begins and ends in Father God. Fulfilling ‘from glory to glory’ is life lived through Christ.
Romans 11:25-36 is a window to the unsearchableness of God’s ways. Yet for His pleasure, He chooses to reveal the wonderful mystery to His children by His Holy Spirit who searches all things, even God’s deep things. (I Corinthians 2:10) Gazing into His wisdom, we can only cry O! the depth! of His immensity.
As a result, out of His own character and nature He designed the Mercy with an immense birthright:
- To live in dominion over sin and unholy circumstances (set free to walk in their authority)
- To release the holiness and glory of God into their environment (released in order to release)
- To “Be” in the presence of God at all times
- To worship and celebrate God in all aspects of life (a personal and community gift, alike)
Authority of Mercy
Through language, acts, and life experiences the meaning attached to ‘authority’ is wired into humanity. The Mercy checklist contains a number of characteristics that may elicit a flinch or language an area of victory in one’s life. For free-flowing Mercy, ‘authority’ taps into emotional sensitivity for self and others.
In this study of the Mercy redemptive gift, it is helpful and of value to look at the ‘box lid of the puzzle’ for a cognitive understanding of what God has purposed as Mercy’s authority and Christ’s aim. Working it out in our individual lives and community is where the reverse engineering of our responses is set in motion.
Ultimately, Mercy’s healed, maturing authority brings about greater fulfilling of Mercy’s birthright (above):
- To sanctify time through blessing (to be used for God’s redemptive purpose of leaving a legacy)
- To know the heart of God (through worship, awe, and intimacy – the message of the heart)
- To live in a degree of holiness so that it may be imparted and make holy what is defiled
- To experience intimacy with God deeper and more easily for the purpose that it may be released
The Overview Will Continue
Mercy may seem endless because Mercy is endless. Until the final consummation of all God has and is, there is no end to the need for and the depths of this beautiful grace gift from the Father. This is a nibble.
~ Nancy
1 Proverbs 9:1 & Matthew 7:24-27
*A. Burk/C. Wales description of Mercy’s birthright
Click here for a printable PDF of this article: Mercy & The Principle of Fulfillment – Worship in the DNA
Pamela Olivetree says
Thanks, Nancy, I am enjoying your mercy posts. I’ve seen the checklist before, and it’s pretty spot on. Including the weaknesses, unfortunately. 🙁
The draw to worship is spot on, too … as long as it is “real,” if you know what I mean. It grieves the heart of God, and of the mercy heart, I think, to be in confusion.
A spiritual father of mine had a great definition of worship, as “agreement with God.” Particularly, agreeing with what God says about Himself, and us. But not so much from an intellectual standpoint, of knowing facts. Not for the mercy gift anyways… that’s not her/his forte, I don’t think. But more with an intuitive, feeling standpoint. What are the needs of God for fufillment? How is His heart today, and how can I meet His need?
The topic of authority you touched on. Yes, brings a flinch, but an old one…hopefully healed. Except in the area of walking in it, lol. Not funny. But true.
Anyway, nothing profound here… just keeping up.
Blessings on your day!
By the way… the talk of the town yesterday was our all-day hazy sun and strange coloring. Many believe it was being caused by the smoke of the fires being blown here. I’m not sure yet if that’s true, but it made me look up and pray for you!
Nancy Bentz says
Thank you, Pamela ~ I always appreciate your thoughtful insights and sharing. Amen to ‘real’ worship. And thank you for praying over us during this fire and smoke season. Unfortunately, the weather people confirmed that we were sharing the wealth all the way to the midwest and progressively to the east. You’re welcome 🙂 Not! We’re just ready to see the sun and blue sky again! Predicting rain soon which will help.
Bonnie says
I am a Mercy. As a professional I am a counsellor. For the last year my family and I are serving as missionaries, something I felt called to do for years. But I’ve been miserable, unsettled and homesick. I feel like I cannot tolerate the constant exposure to extremes suffering with no reprieve. I’m wondering if it’s because maybe as a Mercy I’m not meant to be a missionary.
Nancy Bentz says
Thank you for finding the website, this post, and your comment, Bonnie. Though I don’t know you, as I read what you shared, Servant portion immediately came to mind. May I suggest that though you state Mercy as being your dominant redemptive gift, your Servant portion may be trying to get your attention. The Servant redemptive gift checklist (alongside Mercy checklist) and the Servant articles are there for you to avail yourself to. There are several other Mercy articles as well for a fuller overview.
A missionary heart can serve wherever a Mercy is placed by the hand of the Lord. It is not always in a foreign land, but can also be a place where the Lord is foreign to many who yet need to be led to Him.
I have found in my own life, as a strong Mercy, that for Mercy to not remain overwhelmed in the face of what seems like no reprieve, Mercy needs to immerse themselves in beauty as a needful balance to serving in the hard places, especially peoples’ lives. God’s beauty can be found in nature, in the faces and hearts of God’s people, in the beauty of Christ in the Word, in music that ministers to your soul, in art; what are you drawn to that is lifegiving and fills you up? Mercy looking for the fingerprints of God becomes a treasure hunt, for He is your Jehovah-Shammah, Bonnie ~ The Lord is There, ever so present with you. In learning to look and watch for Him, you will see and find the evidences of His presence and activity all around you. Bless you in your endeavor. And thank you for visiting here. ~ N