Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – the Teacher & the Healer is the first in the series of the Teacher redemptive gift overview. For those strong Teacher portions like myself who prefer things to be done in sequence, we are back on track!
A key to remember is that one decides to be teachable. I am not an advocate for back on track being equivalent to stuck in a rut.
Each redemptive gift overview I write is an expressive exercise of grace gift proportions. Though I consider myself a child-student in terms of the eternal vastness of what I do not know or have yet to learn of and from the Lord, I have found it rewarding to dig deep so that I might grow and develop God’s grace gifts imparted to me. I appreciate others’ godly influence, but only I can live out my life. The same is true for you. God is the One who longs to distinguish1 us.
We all bear a blueprint with facets of His image in our unique design. Teacher portion is intended to be both student and teacher. And as we will see, the Teacher and the Healer make strong spiritual comrades.
Teacher’s Birthright*
“To know God’s deep truths that can only come through intimacy.
To know God experientially and to incrementally dispense what God reveals.
To reveal the manifest presence of God to others by knowing who God is and to live in God’s will,
to reveal the presence of God to the world and enthrone the Lord Jesus Christ.”
the Teacher
Throughout the study of the seven redemptive gifts, there is no greater bearer of one’s birthright than Jesus. When it comes to human examples, He covered all seven bases of grace for every sufficiency needed in His life on earth. May we never entertain the thought, though, that Jesus used His ‘God-ness’ to live his life in the flesh. Scripture plainly tells us that, ‘although He was a Son, he learned obedience through the things which he suffered’ (Hebrews 5:8-9).
In verses 8 and 9, the Greek word for obedience (hupakoe) means to hearken; to listen for the knock on the door; to pay attention. Jesus’ sufferings in life were viewed as lessons of listening to and obeying God.
The Son was a student, learning the lessons we learn, having been taught as we are taught. Which is why –
…after being proven perfect 2 in this way
He has now become the source of eternal salvation to all those who listen to Him and obey. (v9)
Teacher is the grace gift notably evident to those who heard, listened to Jesus, and believed in His Name.
11 to his own things he came, and his own people did not receive him;
12 but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God –
to those believing in his name,
13 who — not of blood nor of a will of flesh, nor of a will of man but — of God were begotten.
John 1:11-13 (Young’s Literal Translation)
the Healer
Jesus, by trade, was a carpenter – apprenticed by his earthly father, Joseph. He was taught and learned necessary skills and principles of how to build things. He became familiar with and used the tools that aided his productive work. He was the full stature of gift of Teacher, yes. But no doubt it was in learning carpentry skills with excellence that his Teacher portion absorbed, grew, developed, and matured.
The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom;
and the grace of God was upon Him.
Luke 2:40
Spiritually, his Abba Father filled him with Holy Spirit’s power and authority as the Healer. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John document the Teacher and the Healer Jesus was, is, and is to come.
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down,
I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
John 21:25
the Teacher and the healer
Another healer, Luke the beloved physician 3, was redemptive gift of Teacher. In responsiveness to this God-given facet of his design, Luke set out to examine the facts of the supernatural conditions by which the Lord came into this world and race of His own likeness and image. (John 1:11ff above) Jesus’ birth and life was a holy interruption of prophecy fulfilled. The old had passed away and Jesus was the new, whether received or not.
Unwilling to be caught up in verbal legends, Luke operated in his Teacher gift and made searching study to come to know and satisfy himself with the truth about Christ. He shared his reasons for writing in Luke 1:1-4 –
“For those who love God, several other people have already written accounts of what God
has been bringing to completion among us, using the reports of the original eyewitnesses,
those who were there from the start to witness the fulfillment of prophecy.
Like those other servants who have recorded the messages,
I present to you my carefully researched, orderly account of these new teachings.
I want you to know that you can fully rely on the things
you have been taught about Jesus, God’s Anointed One.”
(The Voice)
We are bequeathed Luke’s detailed excellence as Teacher, and his compassionate heart and skill as a healer/physician. Expressions of a redemptive gift intimately shared with Jesus, by God’s will and design.
as the overview continues …
Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility – the Teacher & the Healer is the ground from which we will continue the Teacher overview. We will visit Luke again. There is much to unpack regarding the grace gift of Teacher & The Principle of Responsibility. Meantime, Luke is a worthy Bible read to soak and study.
~ Nancy
*A. Burk/C. Wales description of Teacher’s birthright
1 distinguish = ‘differentiate, discern, characterize, recognize, see’ us live as He created and designed from within Himself
2 Greek 4058 perfect = to complete, that is, (literally) accomplish, or (figuratively) consummate (in character): – consecrate, finish, fulfill, (make) perfect.
3 Colossians 4:14 (Paul’s description of Luke)
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