Redemptive Gifts Lexicon: the community of the human spirit is a phrase commonly used in other articles throughout this study. The phrase depicts in a few words the interconnectedness of the seven portions of our human spirit. It makes for a concise label, but like a classification on a filing cabinet, it is not until you pull open the drawer that you discover what is contained within. The substance if you will.
This article joins other teaching material on this site, provided to aid you in your personal relationship with the Lord, first and foremost. Followed by assisting in understanding your design; and ultimately, embracing your design in worship and offering to the Lord for His intended will and purpose in His creation of you.1 Each of these statements reflects a spiritual journey with Him from the inside out. From root to fruit.
More Than a Label
The seven redemptive grace gifts of Romans 12:6-8 are more than mere identifiers of one’s personality for oneself and to others. Taken simply at face value, the seven gifts can too easily become seven labels.
Why? Because we like labels. We can read a label to see if it describes a use or has the ingredients one wants, or not. In our natural realm it is advisable to consider the application or the content. We ‘shop’ accordingly and make such choices all the time. If we wish, we may exercise the right to be selective. That is why advertising and marketing efforts cater to and rely on our bent toward independent, personal choice.
Conversely, having already established that the study of the redemptive gifts of individuals is
- a study about God, what He is like, and how you and I reflect His nature,
- an unveiling of Jesus Christ, who fully embodied all seven of the grace gifts in His life on earth,
- meant to unpack the seven Wisdom principles given each of us by Holy Spirit in varying degrees,
I have yet to meet a one-portion person when it comes to the spiritual realm of the grace gifts. They are spiritual gifts imparted → to our spirit designed by God → to lead our soul → in redemptive living. They may be shut down, undeveloped, underdeveloped, marginalized, dormant, budding, growing, blossoming, or bearing fruit. One may be growing, even thriving, while another is withered or closed off.
The point is that every individual has been given a measure in each portion of their spirit. We have abundant human resources at our avail; yet may we never forget it is God through His living, active Holy Spirit who brings forth the increase in and through our lives. It is to Him that we present ourselves as living sacrifices.1
Community – the Parts and the Whole
I believe we came into this life pre-packaged by God – bearing all seven of His Nature grace gift tags: Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, Mercy
Though one or two may tend to prevail over time, the community of the human spirit is indeed,
a community of the seven Wisdom portions of our God-given design for redemptive living –
fashioned to singularly develop in and grow toward fulfilling their respective birthrights,
and formed to contribute their individual part to the whole of the community of the human spirit
Beyond the labels, Behind the nametags
Beyond the labels, behind the nametags is a life – your life, my life – that gives credence to the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of and according to the likeness of the Godhead. 2
In the vast expanse of the universe, David in Psalms 139 spoke as though only two existed: God and him. From that strong cord of attachment, he went on to express the wonderment of what his spirit knew –
You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside
and my intricate outside,
and wove them all together in my mother’s womb.[a]
14 I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex!
Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking.
It simply amazes me to think about it!
How thoroughly you know me, Lord!
15 You even formed every bone in my body
when you created me in the secret place,[b]
carefully, skillfully shaping me[c] from nothing to something.
16 You saw who you created me to be before I became me![d]
Before I’d ever seen the light of day,
the number of days you planned for me
were already recorded in your book.
Psalms 139:13-16 (TPT) 3
The Community of the Human Spirit
It is not uncommon to be both encouraged and discouraged when delving into this study of our design. Our spirit needs to be nurtured, while our soul clamors for comfort. The internal conflicts are real.
But our God is more real. He is Reality, and the seven redemptive gifts of our design reflect that truth.
To the degree that we determine where we will place our affection, to that degree we are attached. Our lives become a testament of our attachments. John 15 is Christ’s affidavit to our human spirit.
We “do well” to place our affection firmly on Him. In so doing, the miracle of His new creation life is formed in the community of our human spirit. Not by human hands or will, but by the will and purpose of our Father from eternity past.
~ Nancy
1 Romans 12:1-2 – the prelude to verses 6-8 from which is drawn the study of the seven grace gifts for redemptive living 2 Genesis 1:26-27
3 The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017 by BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC. Footnotes:
a. The Hebrew word for “knit” or “wove” can also be translated “to cover” or “to defend.” God places an eternal spirit inside the conceived child within the womb of a mother and covers, and watches over that life.
b. The Hebrew text is literally “the depths of the earth.”
c. Or “embroidered me.”
d. The Hebrew could be translated “as an embryo.”
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