For each of the seven redemptive gifts, you will find a corresponding checklist that provides a brief overview of that particular gift. The checklist is comprised of a series of behavioral characteristic statements with a small box ( □ ) next to each one. There are two pages for each redemptive gift.
(each checklist is a printable page; if you don’t wish to print in color, select your b/w print option)
Page one contains:
– the name of the Redemptive Gift (ie. Prophet) in the assigned seven-fold color (ie. red) of God’s design in order of creation. The color progression is found in every rainbow, one of His priceless signatures of covenant with us.
– repeated throughout scripture in the pattern of seven is a foundational principle that applies to each of the seven redemptive gifts; this is noted in parentheses next to the name of the Redemptive Gift.
– the characteristic statements, each with a check box for your use as noted in the opening paragraph; the key is to check each statement with honest assessment that describes what you know of you.
Page two contains:
– a shorter but important list of Major Weaknesses that will hinder in varying degrees or altogether shut down the redemptive, life-giving function of that gift.
– a list of biblical examples for that gift – real people in scripture who exemplified the gift in either a positive or negative way; remember, varying degrees apply here, but those named are clear examples.
– room for notes and thoughts as you sit with the two pages of the checklist
– footnote of attribution for use by permission on both pages
the heart of the study
As stated elsewhere, identifying your redemptive gift is only the beginning. To stop there is to end up with a shell of information, some new terms and verbiage, but lacking the substance of understanding, growth, and development God intended when He designed this prototype for the work of His creation.
I strongly encourage that you learn here, at the start, how to begin weaving together with more than one thread. Let’s start simple by 1) taking these instructions; 2) adding to them a bit more unfolding in my article Redemptive Gift versus Personality Profile; and 3) reading Arthur Burk’s personal position on Redemptive Gifts tests, where he explains in spot-on detail why this tool for determining your gift, initially and still, remains out of the domain of ‘official’ tests. He wraps up with telling how he landed on another tool he developed out of desperation. It accomplished the mission of identifying his own most dominant gift.
That is the best place to begin. Blessings as you endeavor to learn, unpack, and honor God as He designed you.
~ Nancy
Ongoing content of this website is designed to assist you.
Click here for a printable PDF of these instructions: Instructions for Using the RG Checklists
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