Beloved, I call your spirit forward in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Listen with your spirit to the admonition Paul gave to Timothy, his son in the faith, in II Timothy 1:14 –
Guard well the splendid, God-given ability you received
as a gift from the Holy Spirit who lives within you.
Beloved, Holy Spirit listens carefully to the directive of the Father concerning you, then devotedly follows through. No other is faithful companion, comforter, helper, and teacher as He who indwells you.
Wise to your design – for He knows God’s innumerable thoughts of you – Holy Spirit imparts to you a God-given ability; a splendid treasure of value, an entrusted deposit. It is of worth no one fully knows but the Godhead who created you in ‘Our image’ and hand-selected all that was woven into your design.
One day, all will be revealed. God’s glory within you will be glorious. Together with others, you will marvel at the effects of the finished work Holy Spirit has accomplished in you and in His Body. Spirit, it is to your eternal benefit to guard well what has been committed to you, that you may be counted worthy:
10 when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed. 11 To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
II Thessalonians 1:10-12 (ESV)
Beloved, to the degree you know and understand the deposit you have received, your spirit is to guard well the gift apportioned to you from the Holy One. So spirit, what does it mean, what does it look like to ‘guard well’?
To guard is ‘to watch, be aware, keep an eye on, and isolate – through obedience and preservation; save; avoid and beware‘ (that which would kill, steal, or destroy) the gift. Heavenly in origin, it is not to be treated or regarded as self-willed or appointed by man. The enemy will attempt to thwart; therefore, the need to heed the admonition to ‘guard well the treasure you received as a gift from the Holy Spirit’.
Listen with your spirit, beloved, to this word of truth: no matter where you are in your spiritual and life journey, there is more to discover and unpack of yet-unexplored resources that reside within, placed there by God for the calling on your life. You may do so with the Helper’s help – precious Holy Spirit, who inhabits your life. With God, nothing is impossible to the one who believes the Spirit of Truth.
Beloved, there is none more eager and willing than Holy Spirit to fulfill and bring to fruition the sum of who you are. He only asks and waits for your willing cooperation with Him, for ‘two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work’. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
Spirit, it is you who understands what the soul often cannot comprehend or accept. It is you who is designed to give leadership to your soul. It is you, spirit, who appropriates Holy Spirit’s strength for a willing spirit to sustain the whole.
Spirit, you can come into no finer or fuller agreement than that which you execute with Holy Spirit. He who knows the will of the Father concerning you, listens for your yielded response. Your permission is the key He uses to open and close doors, according to the will and design of God’s useful, loving intention for your life. I bless you, spirit, with courage born of resolve for good and every work of faith. I bless you, beloved, with Holy Spirit’s power energizing you – spirit, soul, and body to that glorious end.
I bless you in the name of Christ Jesus, the King of Glory – coming to be glorified in His holy ones. ♦
~ Nancy
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